The Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax - Forms


Declaration under proviso to sub-section (2) of section 4-B of the Jammu & Kashmir General Sales Tax Act, 1962.

[See Rule -77]

It is hereby declare that the consignments of goods, particulars of which are specified below is liable to purchase tax. The declarant who is registered under section 6 of the Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax Act, 1962 further declares that he shall disclose the purchase price of the said consignment/s in the quarterly and annual return/s and deposit the purchase tax payable within the prescribed period.

It is certified that the declarant has furnished all the quarterly and annual returns for the accounting year till the end of immediately preceding year in respect of which assessments are pending and also deposited the tax payable thereon in full.

1. Name and full address of the declarant (consignor)

2. General Sales Tax Registration number.

3. Central Sales Tax Registration number if any.

4. Sales Tax Circle in which assessable.

5. Name and full address of the consignee.

6. Nature of goods.

7. Number of parcels.

8. Date/s of purchase of goods.

9. Purchase price of goods.

10. Name and address of transporter.

11. Goods receipt number and date thereof.

12. Name and status of the person signing this declaration.

Dated: Signature
  With seal consignor

Witness by ................................................................. (Transporter) who is registered under section 15-B of Jammu & Kashmir General Sales Tax Act, 1962, under No. .......................... dated ............

  Full name and signature of

Manager or employee of the

Transporter with official seal


Copy forwarded to the Assessing Authority Sales Tax Circle ......................................................

Signature of declarant.