The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


[See rule 58]

Application for refund of Input Tax under Section 53 Of the Jammu & Kashmir Value Added Tax Act , 2005


The Jurisdictional Assessing Authority ,

Circle ..................


[Name of United Nations Organisation, Embassy or Consulate] or

Diplomat thereof ] _____________________________
[Address] _____________________________


I/ We, have incurred official expenses liable to Value Added Tax and request refund of said taxes as detailed in the schedule below and supported by the original invoices attached and a schedule for each rate of tax detailed.

Amount Tax paid
Purchases of goods taxable at 12 ½ %

Purchases of goods taxable at 4%

Purchases of goods taxable at 1%



Furthermore I /we, certify that the purchases made relate to official expenditure of the aforementioned agency of the UN, Embassy, or Consulate. In the case of an Embassy or Consulate I/ we, further certify that reciprocal arrangements are in place in the home Country or State of Embassy/ Consulate of.................. for refund of such taxes to Indian Embassies or Consulates.


WARNING: There are penalties for making false declarations.