The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Rule, 2005.

64. Manner in which audit of accounts referred to Section 60 shall be conducted :-

(1) A dealer whose gross turnover in a year exceeds the limit specified in Section 60, shall get the accounts maintained by him for that year audited by a Chartered Accountant/ Cost and Works Accountant and shall furnish to the Assessing Authority a certificate of such audit in Form VAT-52 and a statement of accounts in Form VAT-53 thereto duly signed by such Chartered Accountant/Cost and Works Accountant

(2) The Chartered Accountant/ Cost and Works Accountant auditing the accounts shall express his opinion in explanatory note to be annexed to the statement, on points to which he does not agree. In respect of others, he should certify that as per his opinion and according to information given to him by the dealer, the particulars contained in Trading/Manufacturing and profit and loss account and Balance Sheet are true and correct.

(3) Notice under sub-section(3) of Section 60 shall be in Form VAT – 54.