The Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004 Notifciation

Body Notification No. V-27/2010/8294/CT, Dated 25th May, 2011

Sub: Electronic issue of Transit Pass (Form VAT 406) under the Orissa Value Added Tax Rules,2005.

In continuation to this office Notification No.V-27/2010/6396/CT dated 13/04/2011and in exercise of the power conferred under sub-rule 2(a) of Rule 83 of the Orissa Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, the undersigned hereby notifies for information of all concerned that the facility for using e- Transit Pass (Form VAT- 406) is available for movement of goods through Unified Checkgate , Sunki in the district of Koraput , with effect from the date of issue of this Notification. This will be in addition to the already connected five border check gates viz: Jamsolaghat, Laxmannath Road, Girisola, Luhurachati and Biramitrapur, where this facility is already available.


(Sri Surendra Kumar, IAS)

Commissioner of Sales Tax

Orissa, Cuttack