The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Application for permission under sub-section (2) of section 30A of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, to make payment of an amount in composition of tax payable under section 17.

[See rule 176]


The ..................................................... (Appropriate assessing authority)

I, .................................................... (name and status of the person) of the business ........................................... (name and style), situated at .......................................................... (address) and holding certificate of registration No. .......................... under the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, particulars of which as required under section 30A are given below, do hereby apply under sub-section (2) of that section to exercise my option to pay the amount determined in accordance with the provisions of that section in composition of tax payable under section 17 in respect of all the periods of the year ending on the ...................................................

Particulars of the business :

1. Class of business or trade :
2. Date of certificate of registration :
3. Gross turnover of sales for the year ending ..................... : Rs.
4. (a) The amount of tax assessed under section 45 in respect of the latest full year comprising all the periods and admitted by me : Rs.
  (b) The aggregate amount of tax paid by *me/us as per receipts furnished along with returns under section 30 in respect of all the periods of year ending the .................................... (the year immediately preceding the year for which option is exercised)  
5. The aggregate amount paid under section 30A in respect of the year .............................. (the year immediately preceding the year for which option is exercised) : Rs.

It is stated that *I/we do not sell any goods imported from outside West Bengal.

The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  Signature ........................................
Date :  
  Status ..............................................

* If the application is made for the first time, fill in 4, and if the dealer paid the amount under section 30A for the year preceding the year for which option is exercised, then fill in 5.