The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994

45. Assessment of tax payable by registered dealers

(1) If no returns are furnished by a registered dealer in respect of any period by the prescribed date, or if the Commissioner is not satisfied that the returns furnished are correct and complete, the Commissioner shall proceed in such manner as may be prescribed to assess to the best of his judgement the amount of tax due from the dealer and, in making such assessment, shall give the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard ; and in the case of failure by a registered dealer to furnish in respect of any period a return accompanied by a receipt from a Government Treasury or the Reserve Bank of India, as required under sub-section (4) of section 30, by the prescribed date, the Commissioner may, if he is satisfied that the default was made without reasonable cause, direct that the dealer shall pay by way of penalty, in addition to the amount of tax so assessed, a sum not exceeding one and a half times that amount :

(2) Where upon search or seizure of any accounts, registers or documents, or of any goods of a dealer registered under this Act, or upon enquiry or information received or upon verification of return under sub-section (7) of section 30, the Commissioner has reasons to believe that the dealer has not accounted for the turnover of sales of goods or purchases of goods as appear from such accounts, registers or documents in the books of accounts referred to in section 62, or has not shown such turnover in his return furnished under section 30, in respect of any return period or has furnished incorrect statement of his turnover of sales or turnover of purchases or incorrect particular of his sales or purchases in any return, the Commissioner shall, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), proceed in such manner as may be prescribed to assess to the best of his judgement the amount of tax payable by the dealer in respect of such return period, after giving the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard and direct such dealer to pay the amount of tax so assessed in such manner and by such date as may be prescribed ; and in the case of failure by a registered dealer to furnish in respect of any such period a return accompanied by a receipt from a Government Treasury or the Reserve Bank of India, as required under sub-section (4) of section 30, by the prescribed date, the Commissioner may, if he is satisfied that the default was made without reasonable cause, direct that the dealer shall pay by way of penalty in addition to the amount of tax so assessed, a sum not exceeding one and a half times that amount.

(3) No penalty under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be imposed in respect of the same fact for which a prosecution under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 88 has been instituted and no prosecution would lie vice versa.

(4) If interest is payable in terms of section 31 in respect of any period, penalty under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) for failure to furnish a return by the prescribed date for such period shall not exceed fifty per centum of the amount of tax so assessed.