The Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax - Forms


[See rule (14-A)]



The Assessing Authority

...................... Circle


I .................................................... S/O ............................................... on my behalf/on behalf of the dealer, styled as, ......................................................... apply for a certificate of Registration under section 6-A of the J&K General Sales Tax Act, 1962 and undertake to furnish the security or additional security as may be required under section 6-C of the Act.

2. Name and address of-

(i) Head office

(ii) Branch office(s)

(iii) Godown(s)

3. Status or relationship of the person who makes this application.

4. Name of the Manager of the business, if any.

5. Name of goods intended to be manufactured/produced:-




6. Approximate date of commencement of sale of goods manufactured.

7. Name(s) and address(es) of banker(s) in the State.

8. If the dealer is a number of a Trade Association, the name & address thereof.

9. Capital invested.

10. Plant, machinery, raw material & etc. intended to be imported:-

S. No. Particulars of goods Value (Approximate)

11. Name & address of persons having interest in the business:-
S. No. Name & address of partners, Members of H.U.F./Directors Fathers name Present home Address Signature
1 2 3 4 5

12. Name & address of concerns in the State in which the persons specified in column 11 above have any interest.
S. No. Name & address of the concern Location of the Head office
13. The concern is also registered under the General Sales Tax Act of the following States under Certificate of Registration No. noted against each:-
S. No. Name of the State Sales Tax Certificate No.
1 2 3

Place ................................. (Name in block letters and
Date .................................. signature of the applicant)

Certificate by Trade Association

Certified that the particulars given in column 2 to column 5, column 8 and column 11 above are true to the best of my information and belief.

Date ........................... (Name & signature of

Note:- (i) The application shall be signed by as person authorised to sign it under rule 73 of J&K General Sales Tax Rules, 1962.

(ii) Column 11 need not be filled in by a dealer being a Government department/office, local Authority, Corporation or a Board constituted under a Central/State Act.

(iii) In case of a Firm or a company a copy of partnership deed or memorandum of Association, as the case may be duly attested by the applicant shall accompany the application.

(iv) A copy of the rental deed in respect of the premises occupied by Head Office attested by the applicant or in case a rental deed has not been executed a certificate issued by the owner of such premises shall also accompany the application.

(v) Receipt for having paid fee of Rs. 100/- in the treasury should be affixed with the application.

(vi) An attested copy of Certificate of Registration issued by the Department of Industries and Commerce shall also be attested herewith.