The Nagaland Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 - FORMS



[See rule 65(3)]

Section 67.


(To be submitted in duplicate)

1. Name and address of the transporting agency

including branches in Nagaland_______________________________________________________________


2. Registration number of the vehicle __________________________________________________________

Name and address of the owner _____________________________________________________________


3. Name and address of the Consignor with

TIN of the State of origin under VAT Act _______________________________________________________


4. Name and address of the Consignee with

TIN (if any) under VAT Act ________________________________________________________________


5. (i) Description of goods:

(ii) Quantity or weight:

(iii)Value of goods:

(iv)Bill/VAT Invoice & date:

6. Consignment Note No. & date:

7. (i) Name of the check post of entry:

(ii) Name of the check post of exit:

8. Place of transshipment if proposed within Nagaland:

Signature Signature Signature/Thumb Impression
Owner of the Goods carrier Consignor of the goods Driver/Person in-charge of the Goods

To be completed by the Office of the Check Post of Entry

1. Name of the Check Post:

2. Time of arrival of the goods carrier at the Check Post:

3. Time of departure of the goods carrier from the Check Post:

4. Probable time of reporting at Exit Check Post:

5. Sl. No. in the Movement register:

Date:   Signature of Officer in charge VAT Check Post:

To be completed by the office of the Check Post of Exit

1. Name of Check Post: 2. Arrival Time:
3. Departure time: 4. Sl. No. of Movement Register:

Certified that consignment(s) covered by this pass has/have crossed this barrier towards destination.

Date: Seal: Signature of Officer in charge
    VAT Check Post: