The Nagaland Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 - FORMS

    FORM VAT-5

1. Dealer's TIN


2. Purchase Statement:

Sl no Particulars Exempted/

zero-rate Goods

Goods taxable @ 1% Goods taxable @ 4% Goods taxable @12.5% Goods taxable @ 20% Non-creditab-le goods Total
A Opening Stock              
B Imports              
C Inter-state              
D Consignment transfer              
E Intra-state              
F Others              
G Total (A+B+C+D+E+F)              
H Goods returned outward              
I Total (G-H)              
J Input Tax paid              

3. Goods Manufactured:

Sl no Particulars Exempted/Zero- rate Goods Goods taxable @ 1% Goods taxable @ 4% Goods taxable @12.5% Goods taxable @ 20% Non-creditab-le goods Total
A Opening Stock              
B During the period              
C Total (A+B)              

4. Sales Statement:

Sl no Particulars Exempted Goods Goods taxable @ 1% Goods taxable @ 4% Goods taxable @12.5% Goods taxable @ 20% Non-creditab-le goods Total
A Exports              
B Inter-state              
C Consignment transfer              
D VAT dealers              
E Retails              
F Others U/Section 13              
G Total (A+B+C+D+E+F)              
H Sales returned inward              
I Net sales (G-H)              
J Output Tax collected              

5. Computation of VAT:

Sl no Particulars Exempted Goods Goods taxable @ 1% Goods taxable @ 4% Goods taxable @12.5% Goods taxable @ 20% Non-creditab-le goods Total
A Output Tax VAT collected during the period              
B ITC claimed for the period              
C Refund claimed for the period U/s13 (4) if any              
D VAT payable (A-B-C)              
E ITC brought forward if any              
F Net VAT payable after adjustment (D-E)              
G ITC carried forward after adjustment (D-E)              
H Refund due after adjustment              

6. Payment statement:

Sl no Particulars Amount TV/BS no & date Remarks
A Net VAT payable (5F)      
B Interest if any      
C Penalty if any      
D Total dues payable (A+B+C)      
E Total amount paid during the period      
F Balance amount payable for the period (D-E)      


I, ........................................ (Name in capitals), hereby solemnly affirm that I am authorized to furnish or file this return, and that the details/information furnished therein are true to the best of my knowledge, and nothing has been concealed therein.

Date: Signature

Status: (Karta/Proprietor/Partner/Director/President/Secretary/Manager/Authorised officer)

(For office use)

1. Date of receipt:

2. Name & signature of the official making the data entry:

3. Name & signature of the Assessing Authority with date:


The undersigned acknowledges having received the original of this return on the date mentioned below

Date of receipt:
