The Nagaland Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
Chapter-X : Miscellaneous

72. Fee. -

(1) The following fee shall be payable in court fee stamps, or by a deposit into the Government Treasury under the head "0040-Sales Tax" under the Nagaland VAT Act - miscellaneous fees, namely -

(i) on a memorandum of first appeal one hundred rupees
(ii) on an application for obtaining copies of record ten rupees
(iii) on any other application or petition for relief to any authority other than tribunal under the Act or these rules twenty five rupees
(iv) on a memorandum of appeal or an application for review to the Tribunal five hundred rupees
(v) on any other application including application for adjournment ten rupees

(2) If the document of which a copy is to be granted relates to any previous year, a search fee in the form of court fee stamp of the value of ten rupees per application shall be charged.