The Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax - Forms

Form ST-33

[See rule 40-A (c), (h), (i), (ii), (iii), (j)]


(In Triplicate)

Book No. .................... Serial No. .................................
Circle of issue ............. Division .......................

Name of the dealer with Complete  
Address ..................................
    GST No. ......................................
    CST No. ......................................
Name & complete address of the Tpt/ clearing agency/Rly. Stn./Airlines Office from which the goods are released in the J&K State.  
G.R. No. ...................... Date........................ place of despatch..............................
R. R      
Name & complete address of the consignor/ Seller along with:-  

GST No. ......................................

CST No. ......................................

Serial No & date of Bill of sale Cash memo Transfer Voucher



Particulars of goods:

(i) Description (ii) Mark, if any
(iii) No. of packages (iv) Weight.
(v) Value (vi) Purpose of import
(i.e. whether Sales/Manufacture/Transfer/

execution of contract etc.)


 Particulars of the person authorized to take the Goods from the Tpt. Agency

(i) Name

(ii) Status.

(iii) Signature.

Means of transportation from the Agency/Rly. Stn./Airlines Office to the premises of the dealer.

Date..................... Signature of the dealer or his

Authorized agent, status /relation

With dealer.............................

For use by the Tpt. Agency For use by the Officer I/C Check Post, Rly. Stn./Airlines, Srinagar /Jammu.
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
No. & date of delivery Register in Form ST-36 (I) Name of the Checkpost..........................
Name of the person taking delivery and his relation with the dealer ----------------------------------------------------------- (ii) Date of crossing of goods.....................

(iii) Goods, if detained brief reasons thereof




Signature of the Manager or regular employee of the Tpt. Agency. Signature of the Officer with designation by whom Checked.
Seal Countersignature of the Officer I/C

Note:- Ist foil- to be retained by the dealer.

IInd foil- to be attached with the monthly return under section 15-B by the transporter.

IIIrd foil- to be retained by transporter for its record.