FOREIGN TRADE (Trade notice)

Body Trade Notice No. 15/2024-25, Dated 28th August 2024

Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Department of Commerce

Directorate General of Foreign Trade


1. All IEC Holders/Members of Trade and Industry.

2. All Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/ Other Industry Associations.

3. All Regional Authorities of DGFT.

4. All Custom Authorities

Subject: Abeyance of Public Notice No. 05/2024 dated 27.05.2024 - reg.

Attention of Trade and Industry is invited to Public Notice No. 20/2024 dated 29.08.2024 vide which Public Notice No. 05/2024 dated 27.05.2024 (which had been issued to modify the wastage permissible and Standard Input Output Norms with reference to Gold/Platinum/Silver content in export item) has been kept in abeyance up to 15th of September, 2024.

2. This Directorate is proposing revised wastage norms for Gold/ Platinum/ Silver jewellery based on the industry visits in different units/ locations.

3. Revised wastage norms are annexed herewith as Annexure 1.

3. Trade and Industry is advised to utilise this opportunity and submit any inputs/ comments within 7 days from the from the date of issuance of this Trade Notice to the Norms Committee at the following e-mail id:

4. This issues with the Competent Authority

(Md. Moin Afaque)

Joint Director General of Foreign Trade DGFT Hq

Email: Mob- 9946946774

(Issued from File No.: 01/94/180/104/AM24/PC-4)

Annexure 1

SI. No. Items of Export Percentage of wastage by Weight with reference to Gold/ Platinum/Silver content in export item
    Gold/ Platinum Silver
1 Plain jewellery and, articles and ornaments like Mangai sutra containing gold and black beads etc. Existing (as per PN No. 05/2024) Proposed Existing (as per PN No. 05/2024) Proposed
Handcrafted 0.5% 1.5% 0.75% 1.75%
Partly Mechanized 0.5% 0.5%
2 Studded jewellery and articles thereof        
Handcrafted 0.75% 2% 0.75% 2.25%
Partly Mechanized - 1.5% - 1.75%
3 Mountings/Findings manufactured        
Handcrafted 0.5% 1% 0.75% 1.25%
Partly Mechanized 0.1% 0.5% 0.1% 0.5%
4 Gold/silver/platinum medallions and coins (excluding coins of nature of legal tender) (not applicable under Advance Authorisation) 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2%
5 Gold religious idols (only gods and goddess) of 8 carats and above (up to 24 carats)        
Plain gold idols 0.5% 1% 0.5% 1.25%
Studded gold idols 0.75% 1.5% 0.75% 1.75%
6 Any jewellery/ article manufactured by a partly mechanized processes and unstudded (not applicable under Advance Authorisation) 0.2% 0.5% 0.2% 0.5%