The Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004 History
21. Input tax credit exceeding tax liability

21. Input tax credit exceeding tax liability.

(1) If the input tax credit of a registered dealer other than an exporter selling goods outside the territory of India determined under section 20 for any tax period exceeds the tax liability for that period, the excess credit shall be set off against any outstanding tax, penalty or interest under this Act against that dealer.

(2) The excess input tax credit after adjustment under sub-section (1), shall be carried forward as an input tax credit, to the subsequent tax period or periods, till it is fully adjusted:

Provided that no excess input tax credit for a tax period shall be carried forward exceeding a period of twenty-four months from the close of the year to which that tax period relates.

(3) Where input tax credit is so carried forward, a quarterly credit statement shall be forwarded to the concerned dealer and the claims reconciled accordingly.