The Orissa Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS




[Refer sub-rule (1) of rule 29]



The Registering Authority,

_________________________, Circle



D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

02. Name and Address of the dealer-





Please note:

  • Mark " v", whichever is applicable and fill up the corresponding particulars in the appropriate box.
  • Use legible capital letter.
  • Use additional sheet, if the space provided is insufficient.

    03. In case of discontinuation of business, the date from which, the business is discontinued
    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    04. In case of disposal or sale of business or any part thereof, the date of such disposal or sale and the extent of sale



    If the sale in to a registered dealer, mention his Identification No.

    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    Particulars of Sale To whom sold Approx. Value


    05. In case of change in the name and style of business, the changed name and the date from which the change takes effect.

    Present Name   Changed Name


    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    06. In case of change of ownership of the business, the change so effected and the date from which the change is effective.

    Present Ownership   Changed Ownership


    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    07. In case of reconstitution of the business, the reconstitution so made and the date from which such reconstitution is effective.

    Present constitution Changed constitution


    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    08. In case of change in nature of business, the change so made and the date from which such change is effective.
    Present nature of business   Changed nature of business


    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y


    In case of change in address of the principal place of business or additional place of business or branch, the present address and the changed address and the date from which such change is effective.

    (Indicate whether the change in address is within the jurisdiction of the same registering authority or otherwise and if the changed address falls under the jurisdiction of a different registering authority, mention the details of the new registering authority.)

    Present address of the principal place of business / branch / additional place of business.



      Changed address of the principal place of business/branch/additional place of business..






    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    Present Registering authority.


    Registering authority in Respect of the changed address.


    10. In case of change of address of godown or warehouse, the change in address and the date from which, the change takes effect.
    Present address of godown/ warehouse   New address of godown / warehouse


    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    11. In case, a new place of business or godown or warehouse is opened, the address of such place, godown or warehouse and the date from which, it is opened. Address of new place of business/godown warehouse.




    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    12. In case, the goods dealt in are either deleted or added, the deletion or addition so made and the date from which such deletion or addition is effective.
    Goods presently dealt in


    Goods dealt in proposed to be added or dealt.



    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    13. In case, the goods manufactured for sale are changed or new goods to be manufactured, the change so made and the date from which such change is effective.
    Goods presently manufactured for sale




      Goods proposed to be manufactured for sale in addition to goods presently manufactured.




    D D   M M   Y Y Y Y

    14. My Bank Account has changed in respect of-

    15. If , there is a new Bank Account, please furnish details.
    Name of Bank Branch & Code Account No Nature of account.



    16. The Manager or person authorized to receive notice, order and other communications have been changed or the authorisation so made has been cancelled and in his/their place, authorisation for the purpose has been made in respect of the following person(s).  

    Name of the person authorized. Designation of the person with relation to the business. Date from which the authorisation has been made. Signature of the person so authorized.


    I (name)_______________________status__________________________ of the above business hereby declare that the information given in this form is true and correct.


    with seal.

      Date of declaration ______/_____/ ______

    Please enclose copy of the documents in support of your application for amendment of the certificate of registration".