The Orissa Value Added Tax Rules, 2005

127. Grant of certified copy of order. -

(1) If any dealer requires a certified copy of any order concerning him and passed by the Commissioner or any Sales Tax authority, he shall make an application to the Commissioner or such authority with Court fee stamp of rupees ten for ordinary copy and rupees twenty five for urgent copy.

(2) On receipt of the application, the dealer shall be informed of Court fee stamps that will be required under the provisions of sub-rule (3) for the supply of the copy and after necessary Court fee is paid by the dealer, a certified copy of the order shall be prepared and granted to him.

(3) The following is the scale of Court fee payable for grant of copies.

    Ordinary Urgent copy
(i) For every page of the document or part thereof written, electronically typed, or photocopied Rupees ten Rupees twenty-five
(ii) Authentication fees Rupees ten Rupees twenty-five