The Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004

101. Special provision relating to under invoicing.

(1) Where the Commissioner has, for the purpose of any proceeding under this Act, reasons to believe that any goods kept in stock or being carried by a dealer or any person on behalf of a dealer are undervalued or underpriced in any document relating to such goods produced before him, he may, after causing such enquiry as he considers necessary in the circumstances, intimate such dealer or person, by a notice in the prescribed form, the prevailing market price of such goods and direct such dealer or person to pay tax under this Act on the basis of the prevailing market price.

(2) Where the goods referred to in sub-section (1) are being carried, the officer-in-charge of the check-gate or barrier or an officer authorised under subsection (3) of section 74, as the case may be, may detain the vehicle carrying such goods until the tax demanded under sub-section (1) is paid.

(3) Where the goods referred to in sub-section (1) are found in stock and the dealer or the person on behalf of the dealer, on whom the notice under that sub-section was served, fails to pay the tax in terms of such notice, or where the tax demanded is not paid under sub-section (2), the Commissioner may offer to purchase such goods at a price at ten per centum above the purchase value or the value disclosed by the principal or agent in the case of goods received on consignment basis plus actual transportation charges and entrust such goods to the Orissa State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. or any co-operative society as may be notified for sale or sell it through public auction in the prescribed manner.

(4) The dealer or the person on being directed under sub-section (3) shall be bound to sell the goods to the Commissioner and if he refuses, fails or does not deliver the goods within the time mentioned in the notice offering to purchase goods he shall be liable to penalty, which shall be equal to twenty per centum of the value of the goods at the prevailing market price.

(5) No penalty under sub-section (4) shall be imposed without allowing such dealer or person, as the case may be, an opportunity of being heard.

(6) If, in pursuant to the notice issued under sub-section (4), the dealer or the person delivers the goods to the Commissioner he shall be paid the price of such goods as determined under sub-section (3) along with the cost of transportation within fifteen days of the delivery of the goods.

(7) Any person aggrieved by the order or notice, as the case may be, under sub-section (3) or under sub-section (4) may file an application for revision before the prescribed authority within thirty days from the date of receipt by him of the decision, in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed :

Provided that the said prescribed authority may admit an application made after the expiry of the period of thirty days, if he is satisfied that the applicant had sufficient cause for not making the application within the said period.