The Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004 Notifciation

Body NOTIFICATION No.III(III)122/06/ 8204/CT., Dated 26th August, 2013

Sub: Modification of return form in Form VAT-002, under the Odisha Value Added Tax Rule, 2005 consequent upon introduction of new tax rate @50% under sub part, "Part-ll-A of Schedule-B of Odisha VAT Act, 2004.

Whereas, Government of Odisha, Finance Department has introduced a new tax rate @ 50% under sub part, "Part-IIA" of Schedule-B of Odisha Value Added Tax Act, 2004 with effect from 11.4.2013 in pursuance to the notification NO.-14355-FIN-CT1-TAX-0053-2012, dt.11.04.2013.

And whereas, rule 34 of the Odisha value Added Tax Rules,2005 has been amended by inserting sub-rule (13) providing for modification of return forms such as VAT-002 by Commissioner with the prior approval of Government though issue of notification as and when required.

Now, therefore, in exercise of power under the sub-rule (13) of the Rule 34 of the Odisha Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 and with the prior approval of Government in Finance Department, vide their letter No-FIN-CTI-TAX-0001/2013/(pt)27255/F, Dt.21.08.2013, the return form in Form VAT-002 is hereby modified in order to enable the dealers to file return for the tax periods beginning on and after 01.07.2013.

This notification shall come into force with effect from 01.07.2013.

Commissioner of Sales Taxes,

Odisha, Cuttack



[Refer to sub-rule (6) of Rule 34]

01 SRIN              



02. Period covered by this return

  D D M M Y Y Y Y   D D M M Y Y Y Y
From                 To                

03. Name of the business  

PIN             FAX               PHONE              

04. If you have no purchase and sale mark this box "x"



Particulars of purchase and receipts

I - From registered dealers

  Purchase value including tax
05. Purchases of goods

(i) exempt from tax

(ii) prescribed in Schedule-B excluding goods on which tax has been paid on MRP

(iii) prescribed in Schedule-C

(iv) on which tax has been paid on MRP.

(v) Total [(i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)]


II - From unregistered dealers

06. Purchase/receipt of goods subject to levy of tax

(i) @ 1%

(ii) @ 4%

(iii) @ 5%

(iv) @ 10%

(v) @ 13.5%

(vi)@ 18%

(vii) @ 20 %

(viii) @ 25 %

(ix) @ 50 %

(x) Total [(i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)+(v)+(vi)+(vii) + (ix)]

07. Total receipt/purchase from all sources [05(v)+06(ix)]  


I - Turnover of sales and turnover of purchase

(Sale of goods through works contract not to be included here)

  Sale value Tax paid
08. Total Sale of goods purchased from registered dealers on payment of tax    






09. Less : sale of goods

(i) declared u/s 14 of the CST Act.

(i) purchased on payment of tax on MRP  
(iii) prescribed in Schedule-C purchased on payment of tax  
(iv) exempt from tax  
(v) Total [(i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)]  

II - Calculation of Tax





10. Taxable sale for levy of TOT @ 1% [08-09(v)]    
11. Turnover of purchase for levy of tax u/s 12    
12. Total Tax payable [10(B)+11(B)]    

III - Calculation of TTO and composition tax of works contractors

13. Gross payment receipt/receivable    




14. Taxable turnover (60% of the amount at box 14) and tax @ 4% thereon.    

IV  Tax payable and tax paid

15. Total Tax payable [12(B) or 14(B)]

16. Less tax paid

(i) Self deposit

(ii) TDS

(iii) check gate payment

(iv) excess paid in previous quarter, if any

(v) Total

17. Balance payable, if any [15-16(v)]


18. Payment details

SL. No. Challan No./D.D.No. / M.R No. Date Treasury / Bank Branch Code Amount

19. Information on use of invoices for the quarter.

Retail invoice issued Total value of sales Invoice received Total value of purchases
From Sl No. of Invoice To Sl. No. of Invoice No. of sellers Total no. of invoice  


I (name) ________________________________________ being (status) _______________ of the above business do hereby declare that the information given in this return is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(Status with relation to the business)   Date _____/____/________


Acknowledgement receipt no. __________________ Date __________________

Signature and stamp of Section Clerk"