
28. Transit of goods by Road through the State.-

(1) The driver or person in charge of a vehicle coming from any place outside the State bound for any other place outside the State shall present the trip sheet in triplicate to the officer in charge of the check post or barrier, if any, established near the point of entry into the State hereinafter referred to as entry check post.

(2) The officer in charge of the entry check post shall after examining the documents and after making such enquiries as he deems necessary specify on all the copies of the trip sheet the check post or the barrier (hereinafter referred to as the Exit Check Post) of the State to be crossed by the vehicle and the time and date upto which it should be so crossed and deliver two copies of the trip sheet to the driver or person in charge of the vehicle retaining one copy himself.

(3) The driver or person in charge of the vehicle shall stop his vehicle at such Exit Check Post surrender one copy of the trip sheet and allow the officer in charge of the check post to inspect documents, consignments and goods in order to ensure that the consignments being taken out of the State are the same as mentioned in the trip sheet.. The officer in charge of the exit Check Post shall issue a receipt on the other copy of the trip sheet surrendered by such driver or person in charge of the vehicle.

(4) The officer in charge of the exit check post shall have the power to detain, unload and search the contents of the vehicle for the purpose mentioned in sub- rule (3)