The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


[See rule 68(c)]


(in triplicate)

Book No.............. Serial No...............
Circle of Issue.............. Division................


The Officer I/C Check post

The Assessing Authority

Circle.............. Srinagar/Jammu


I/we have imported the following goods from .........................these were purchased from M/s vide sale voucher No.................Dt............................and imported into the J&K State by M/s............................(Transport Agency /Rail / Road /Air) vide its Goods/Railway receipt/Air consignment note No .................................... dated..............................issued from...............................................(place of despatch)

Particulars of goods

Description No. of pkgs. Weight Value Remarks

The goods are for the purpose of Sale, execution of contract, manufacture,


Personal use


I/we carry on the business of ............................having Head Office at .............. .....................and branches at ...............................and have applied for certificate of registration vide application dated..........................

Signature of the dealer or his

Authorised agent,

Place ................. Status and relation with dealer
    (For office use only)

Office of the Assessing Authority, Commercial Taxes Circle.........................

Shri/M/s authorized to release the goods particulars whereof are given above to the above applicant.

Place................. Signature of the Assessing Authority
Date................. Other Authorized Officer


Ist Foil - To be retained by the dealer

IInd foil - To be attached with the monthly return by transporter

IIIrd foil - To be retained by transporter for its record.