The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


[See rules 67(12) & 71(a) (b)]

I,.................................................S/o.............................................R/o............................................................Driver...........................Vehicle No.................... on behalf of the Transport company/partner or proprietor of M/s........................ hereby execute this undertaking that I have taken over the goods as per the inventory annexed/covered under GR NO.................... dt.................. from ..................................... The goods have been seized under Section ........./............ of the Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Act,2005 and I undertake that these goods shall not be delivered to any person without the orders of the said .......................

I, further undertake that these goods shall be kept under my safe custody. I shall be liable on behalf of myself/my principal/the Transport Company for action under the provisions of the relevant law for any contravention in respect of safe custody or delivery of the goods without the orders of the competent authority.

Executed this of ......................................



1. ________________________ (name)
  ________________________(Father's name)
  _______________________ (Address)
2. ________________________ (name)
  ________________________(Father's name)
  _______________________ (Address)