The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


[See rule 60]

Application for grant of Tax Clearance Certificate

The Assessing Authority

Circle __________________________Srinagar/Jammu

1. TIN________________________/Registration No____________/TOT/ CT

2. Name and full address of the dealer ___________________________

3. Name(s) and address (s) of branch (es), if any___________________

4. Period upto which returns filed _______________________________

Whereas my concern intends to supply ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________ (mention goods) to________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ (mention name of Govt. agency etc.) during ____________________________ (mention period)

I am therefore, in need of a Tax Clearance Certificate in terms of Section 57(1) of the Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Act, 2005. I request that the said Certificate be kindly issued to me.

  Signature ...........................
  Status ...............................
Place........... Seal...................................