The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


Form VAT - 12

Return of Turnover Tax Dealer

( See Rule 28 (2) )

    Period From
Circle   Please fill in Capital letters where applicable and sign the declaration.

Part A - Dealer Information

Name of Dealer . TOTRegistration Number


Part B - Filing Status

Whether Return is

Original - Revised

If revised, original return acknowledgement number and date:
ORIGINAL - REVISED - FINAL Date of Original return


Acknowledgement Number of original return
2. Reason for Filing revised Return:

Part C : Turnover and Tax Details

Sr. No. Particulars For Current Period For Current Year (Cumulative)
1 Gross Purchase    
  1.1 Local Purchase from Registered Dealer    
  1.2 Local Purchase from unregistered Dealer    
2 Gross Turnover of Sales    
3 Taxable Turnover of Sales    
4 Turnover Tax Payable @ 1%    

Part D : Details of Payment

Sr. No. Name of Bank or Treasury Challan Number / CIN Date of Payment Amount

Part E : List of Purchase from Local Registered Dealer

Serial No. Date of Invoice Invoice Number TIN of the Dealer Name of Seller Rate of Tax Amount before tax (A) VAT Charged (B)
Total Purchase from registered dealers      
Total Purchase from unregistered dealers

Gross local Purchase (a+b)      

Section F : Declaration

I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return is correct and complete and that the particulars shown herein are truly stated and are in accordance with the provisions of the J&K VAT Act, 2005. (This return should be signed by an authorized person)

Name Signature
Date Place