The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


[See rule 12(a)]

Application for registration by a casual trader.


1. Name of the casual dealer : _____________________________
2. Permanent Address : _____________________________
3. Description of goods to be sold : _____________________________
4. Address where casual business is to be conducted : _____________________________
5. Period of casual trade : From________ to ________
6. Estimated taxable turnover during the above period : _____________________________
7. If the casual trader is a person from outside the State, copy of registration certificate under the VAT Act of that State to be enclosed.

Place ____________________  
Date _____________________  
  Signature of the trader or his authorized signatory

Part-B For official use only. (To be filled in by the Commercial Taxes Deptt.)

a. Amount and details of security furnished: ______________________________


b. Registration fee paid : _________________________________
c. TR. No. _________________________ Date : ___________________________
Processed by .............................................. ..................................................................
Name & Designation Name & Designation of the officer