The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


Form VAT – 01

Application for Registration

As VAT/Voluntary/TOT Dealer

[See Rule 12(a)]

Please fill in capital letters where applicable and sign the declaration

Part – A : Generic Information

1 Do you wish to register as   VAT   Voluntary VAT   TOT Dealer   Composite Dealer
2 Name of Applicant Title Surname Given Name
3 Father / Husband Name Title Surname Given Name
4 Trading Name

5 Date of Birth or Date of Incorporation
6 Sex   Male   Female
7 Pan Details
8 Business Address Number Street
Area Locality Village
Town City District Pin Code
9 Contact Details Landline Mobile Fax
E-mail ID
10A Resident Status Resident Dealer Non-Resident Dealer

10B Business Status 01 Proprietorship 02 Unregistered Partnership 03 Registered Partnership
04 Private Limited 05 Public limited Company 06 Public Sector Undertaking
07 Government Company 08Statutory Body 09 Co-Operative Society
10 Trust 11 HUF 12 Manager / Agent of NRD
13 Others

(Please Specify)

11 Residential Address Number Street
Area Locality Village
Town City District State
Country Pin Code    
12 Statutory Authority

(Please select statutory authority(ies) with which you may be registered)

01 Registrar of Companies

04 Department of Industry & Commerce

07 District Magistrate

02 Registrar of Firms

05 Department of Health

08 Any Others (Please Specify)

03 Department of State Excise

06 Drug Controller

Part – B : Business Information

13 Type of Business 01 Manufacturer claiming remission 02 Manufacturer 03 Distributor
04 Agency 05 Wholesaler 06 Retailer
07 Auctioneer 08 Supply Contractor 09 Hire Purchaser
14 Commodity Details 1st major Commodity Traded or Manufactured – as per Schedule Entry Code (Office Use Only)

2nd major Commodity Traded or Manufactured – as per Schedule Entry Code (Office Use Only


15 Date of Commencement of Business

16 Date from which liable to be Registered


17 Turnover Details Estimated Annual Gross Turnover in Rs Estimated Annual Taxable Turnover in Rs

Part – C : Other Information

18 Do you use computerized accounts? Yes No
19 Do you intend to import goods ? Yes No
20 Do you intend to export goods ? Yes No
21 Will you make tax free sales? Yes No

22 Bank Details Bank Name Bank Branch
Bank Code Type of Account Saving Current Account Number
23 Notes

1 If you are a Partnership Firm FILL Form VAT – 01 (A)
2 If you have Additional Place of Business FILL Form VAT – 01 (B)
3 If others can Sign on your behalf FILL Form VAT – 01 (C)
4 If you fall under Composition Scheme FILL Form VAT – 01 (D)

24 Reference Dealer Details TIN   Name   Style of Business  

Part – D : Specimen Signatures







Part – E : Declaration

Latest photographs

I declare that the information given on this application is true and correct and that failure to provide correct information may result in delayed processing or rejection of this application (If this form is signed by a person other than the applicant, formal powers of attorney will be required.)
Name Signature
Date Place


Date of Receipt:


Sales Tax Circle Code


Registration Fees Paid


T.R. No.


T.R. Date


Security Deposit Type (Blank If None)


Security Amount in Rs


Drawn On


Expiry Date




Processed By:  
  Name and Designation of the Officer:  

Notes for completion of Application Form for Registration

(These are meant for the guidance of the dealers/officers/officials of the Commercial Taxes Dept., Govt. of J&K and do not form a part of the Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Rules, 2005)

Please complete all boxes using block capitals and in black ink

Boxes which are marked "CTD to complete" must be left blank.

Box 1. Type of Registration: Please select type of registration you want to opt for: VAT / Voluntary VAT / TOT Dealer / Composite Dealer. Tick only one box as you cannot be registered under all schemes.

Box 2. Name of Applicant: Please enter the name of the applicant; surname first , followed by given name, in specified boxes only.

Box 3. Fathers/Husband's name: Please enter the name of your husband (if married) or father as


Box 4. Trading Name: Please enter the name under which the business trades. If the business trades under your own name, surname first followed by given name.

Box 5. Date of Birth or Date of Incorporation: Please enter the date of birth or date of incorporation in case of company

Box 6. Sex: Please enter Male or Female

Box 7. PAN Details: Please enter PAN as issued by Income Tax Dept.

Box 8. Business Address: Please enter your address details in the format detailed on the front of the form beginning with the number of the property followed by street name, area or locality, village, town or city, district and postal index number.

Additional places of business:

If your business operates from more than one location within J&K please give the details of each place of business separately on Form VAT-01-(B) Each additional place of business must be separately listed.

Box 9. Tel. No. : Please Enter your Business telephone number including full STD code.

Box 9. Mobile No: If you have a mobile telephone please enter the number here.

Box 9. Fax No.: If you have a fax number please enter the full number including STD code.

Box 9. E-mail: If you have an e-mail address and wish to be contacted by this method please enter the address here.

Box 10A. Resident Status: Indicate here whether you are resident or non-resident dealer.

Box 10B. Business status: Select the option that identifies the status of your business from

the options below:

01 Proprietary

02 Unregistered Partnership

03 Registered Partnership

04 Private Limited

05 Public Limited

06 Public Sector undertaking

07 Government Company

08 Statutory body

09 Co-operative

10 Trust

11 HUF

12 Manager/agent of non-resident dealer

13 Casual trader

14 Other

If your business is a partnership please complete Form VAT-01(A) with partner details.

If others can sign on your behalf complete Form VAT –01( C)

Box 11: Residential Address: Please enter your address details in the format provided.

Box 12. Statutory Authority with whom registered: Please select the statutory authority(ies) with which you may be registered from the following selection below:

1. Registrar of Companies

2. Registrar of firms

3. Department of State Excise

4. Department of Industry and Commerce

5. Department of Health

6. Drug Controller

7. District Magistrate

8. Any Others (Please Specify)

Box 13. Type of business: Please select the type of business the following list which best describes

your business:

01 Manufacturer claiming remission

02 Manufactures

03 Distributor

04 Agency

05 Wholesaler

06 Retailer

07 Auctioneer

08 Supply Contractor

09 Hire Purchaser

Box 14: Commodity Details: Please enter the two major commodities in which you deal or manufacture. If you deal in/manufacture a number of commodities, please attach a list with Form VAT –01 duly signed by you over your seal.

Box 15: Date of Commencement of Business: Please enter the date from which your business commenced.

Box 16: Date from which liable to be registered: Please enter the date from which you are liable to be registered.

Box 17. Turnover Details: Please enter the annual gross turnover and Annual taxable turnover of the business in INR.

Box 18. Enter Yes if your accounting records are computerized

Box 19. Enter Yes if you intend to import goods

Box 20. Enter Yes if you intend to export goods

Box 21. Enter Yes if you will make sales of tax free goods.

Box 22. Bank Details: Please enter the full name of your bank, and branch, used for business purposes

Box 24: Reference Dealer Details: Please enter details of reference dealer – TIN, Name and Style of Business

Box 25. Specimen Signature: Please enter your normal, three specimen signatures, in black ink.

FINALLY: Sign and date the form and attach all relevant additional forms as required above in relation to partner details, additional places of business details and authorized signatory details, where appropriate.