The Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005

Body 12. Levy of Tax on Containers and Packing Material-

Where any goods packed in any container or packing materials are purchased, sold or brought into the local Area along with the container or packing materials in which such goods are packed, the tax under Section 9 or Section 10 or Section 11 on the purchases or sale or on the entry of such container or packing materials shall be levied at such rate of tax, if any, on the sale, purchase or entry as the case may be, of the goods themselves treating the containers, packing materials as goods integrated with the goods sold, purchased or brought, as the case may be, into the local Area.

Provided that no tax under Section 9 or Section 10 or Section 11 shall be levied where the container or packing material is sold or purchased along with the goods declared as exempt from tax under this Act,