The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


Form VAT - 11C

Manufacturing and Profit and Loss Account

( See Rule 28 (3) (b) )

    Period From




Circle Please fill in Capital letters where applicable and sign the declaration. Date _/_/20_

Part A - Dealer Information

1 Dealer Name 2. Taxpayer Identification Number


Part B -Manufacturing and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on --/--/--

Income statement for the year ended ............. previous year current year
  (a) Gross sales within the State    
  (b) Gross Inter State Sales    
  (c) Exports    
1 Total Gross Sales [ (a) + (b) + (c)]    
  (p) Goods returned from sales within the State    
  (q) Goods returned from inter state sales    
  (r) Excise Duty    
2 Net Sales = [ 1- (p) - (q) - (r)]    
3 Cost of Sales:    
  (a) Raw material Consumed    
  (i) Opening Stock    
  (ii) Add: Purchases    
  (iii) Less: Closing Stock    
  (iv) Consumed (i) + (ii) + (iii)    
  (i) Opening Stock    
  (ii) Add: Purchases    
  (iii) Less: Closing Stock    
  (iv) Consumed (i) + (ii) + (iii)    
  (b) Stores and spares    
  (c) Other Consumables    
  (d) Power and Fuel    
  (e) Direct Labour    
  (f) Repairs and Maintenance    
  (g) Other Manufacturing Expenses    
  (h) Depreciation    
  (i) Adjustment and Inventory    
  Opening Stock    
  (i) Stock in Process    
  (ii) Finished Goods    
  Total Opening Stock = (i) + (ii) = (x)    
  Less: Closing Stock    
  (i) Stock in Process    
  (ii) Finished Goods    
  Total Closing Stock = (i) + (ii) = (y)    
  Net Adjustment for inventory = (x) - (y)    
4 Gross Profit = [ 2-3]    
5 Interest and Other financial charges    
6 Selling and general / administration charges    
7 Operating Profits = [ 4- (5+6)]    
8 Other Income    
9 Other expenses    
10 Profit and Loss before Tax = [ (7+8) - 9]    
11 Provision for taxation    
12 Net Profit    
13 Provision for Dividend    
14 Retained Earnings    

Part C - Declaration

I, solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return is correct and complete and that the particulars shown herein are truly stated and are in accordance with the provisions of the J & K VAT Act, 2005. (This return should be signed by an authorized person).

Name of Person Place Seal and Signature
Designation Date