The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Form, 2005.


Form VAT - 11B

Balance Sheet

( See Rule 28(3)(a) )

    Period From




Circle Please fill in Capital letters where applicable and sign the declaration. Date _/_/20_

Part A - Dealer Information

1 Dealer Name 2. Taxpayer Identification Number


Part B - Filing Status

  Figures as at the end of current financial year Figures as at the end of previous financial year
1 Source of funds    
(1) Shareholder's Funds    
  (a) Capital    
  (b) Reserves and Surplus    
(2) Loan Funds    
  (a) Secured Loans    
  (b) Unsecured Loans    
  Total = [ (1) + (2)]    
2 Applications of Funds    
(1) Fixed Assets    
  (a) Gross Block    
  (b) Less Depreciation    
  (c) Net Block    
  (d) Capital work in progress    
(2) Investments    
(3) Current Assets, loans and advances    
  (a) Inventories    
  (b) Sundry Debtors    
  (c) Cash and Bank Balances    
  (d) Other Current Assets    
  (e) Loans and advances    
  Less: Current Liabilities    
  (a) Liabilities    
  (b) Provisions    
  Net Current Assets    
(4) (a) Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off or adjusted    
  (b) Profit and Loss Account    

Part C  Declaration

I, solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return is correct and complete and that the particulars shown herein are truly stated and are in accordance with the provisions of the J & K VAT Act, 2005. (This return should be signed by an authorized person).

Name of Person Place Seal and Signature
Designation Date