The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Rule, 2005.

Body 12. Registration :-

(a) Every dealer other than a Casual Trader liable to be registered (including voluntary registration) shall submit an application in Form VAT-01 to the jurisdictional Registering Authority. The application for registration by a casual trader shall, however be, in Form VAT-02.

(b) The Registering Authority shall examine in detail each application submitted for registration in order to satisfy itself as also to ensure that the application contains all the requisite information and thereupon shall acknowledge the receipt of application;

(c) After an application of registration has been acknowledged by the Registering Authority it shall cause an inspection of the business premises of the dealer to be conducted and the verification of the contents of the application carried out by the Inspector of the concerned Commercial Taxes Circle;

Provided that in respect of dealers like tourism establishments, SSI, Medium Scale Industries and Micro Enterprises who are already registered with any other Government Department, it shall not be necessary for the Assessing Authority to cause further verification by the Inspector to the extent that the contents of the application for registration are duly taken care of in the registration granted by such other Government Department.

(d) The Inspector shall submit his inspection and verification report within 7 days of the application being marked by the Registering Authority, in his name;

(e) Immediately after receiving the report under sub-rule (d), the Registering Authority shall make such other enquiry as it deems fit to satisfy itself as to the bona fide intentions of the applicant dealer and the documents submitted by him for the grant of registration;

(f) The Registering Authority on being satisfied that the dealer is genuine and the application is in order and complete in all respects, shall assign TIN in case of a VAT dealer and a voluntary registration dealer, and a registration number in case of other dealers and issue a certificate of registration in Form VAT-03 to a VAT dealer and a Voluntary registration Dealer, in Form VAT-04 to a Turnover Tax Dealer and in Form VAT-05 to a Casual Trader and also certified copies of such certificate for any additional place of business, with in 20 days from the date the applicant dealer makes the requisite application to the Registering authority in this behalf;

(g) The Registering Authority may demand a security prescribed under Rule 27 before issuing a certificate of registration ;

(h) If the Registering Authority is not satisfied that the particulars and details given in the application are correct and complete, it shall, for reasons to be recorded in writing after giving the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard reject such an application;

(i) The documents which shall accompany the application for registration in Form VAT-01 shall be as may be notified by the Commissioner Commercial Taxes Department from time to time;

(j) Every application for registration in Form VAT-01 and Form VAT-02 shall be accompanied by a Treasury receipt of Rupees five hundred paid under the Head 0040 as registration fee;

(k) If the registered dealer is a partnership firm or an association of persons it shall submit further application if Form VAT-01(A) to the Registering Authority

(l) If a registered dealer has more than one place of business, he shall submit a further application in Form VAT-01(B) to the Registering Authority along with Form VAT-01, if the additional place of business exists at the time of submission of an application for registration and in other cases within one month from the opening of additional place of business;

(m) It shall be mandatory on the part of every registered dealer to display the certificate of registration and sign board in a prominent spot at his main place of business, and certified copies shall accordingly be displayed at the additional place of business; if any;

(n) Any registered dealer who closes any of his additional places of business shall report such closure, within one month of such closure and surrender the copy of certificate of registration issued and certified copies of additional place(s) of business to the Jurisdictional Registering Authority ;

(o) Where a dealer liable to get registered under Section 27 has failed to do so the Jurisdictional Registering Authority shall proceed against the dealer under Section 30.