The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Rule, 2005.

10. Credit notes and debit notes -

(1) Where a registered dealer has given a tax invoice in respect of sale of goods and thereafter the goods or any part thereof are returned to the seller, if the sale is cancelled or for any other reason, or the value of the sale is altered, whether due to a discount or otherwise, he shall subject to the provisions of Section 26 give to the buying dealer a credit or debit note containing the following details:-

    a) The nature of the document issued;

    b) A consecutive serial number;

    c) The date of issue of the document;

    d) The name, address and registration number of the selling dealer;

    e) The name and address of the buyer, together with the buyer's registration number, if registered;

    f) The number and date of the relevant tax invoice;

    g) The value of the goods and the amount of the tax credited or debited to the buyer and

    h) Signature of the selling dealer.

(2) A credit or debit note shall be issued in duplicate with the original marked "original" delivered to the buyer and the copy retained by the registered dealer .

(3) A registered dealer shall not give more than one credit note or debit note in respect of the same adjustment and may provide a duplicate, where the original of the debit note or the credit note is lost or destroyed with the declaration that it is a duplicate of such credit or debit note.