
28. Tax Deduction at Source.-

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, any employer namely, the Central Government, the State Government, or an industrial, or a commercial or trading undertaking of the Central Government or of the State Government, any Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, any local authority or any dealer registered under this Act or such other persons as may be notified shall deduct tax from, and out of the amounts payable by such employer to a dealer to whom a Works Contract has been awarded involving transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form), at the rate of 1% on the value of the Works Contract undertaken by such dealer which shall be deemed to be on account of transfer of property in goods in the execution of such Works Contract:

Provided that, no such deduction shall be made where the amount or the aggregate of the amount payable to a dealer by such employer is less than one lakh rupees during a year or when the cost of material used in execution of the works contract is less than 10% of the contract value.


    (i) The deduction of tax under this section shall be effected when the payment is made to the contractor or his account is credited towards such payment, as the case may be.

    (ii) The employer effecting such deduction shall deemed to be a dealer for the purposes of this section and shall get himself registered in the manner as prescribed.

(2) The tax deducted under sub-section (1) shall be remitted to the Government Treasury in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time by the said employer making such deduction:

Provided that the employer shall remit into the Government Treasury the full amount of tax due and deductible by him under sub-section (1) from the dealer irrespective of the actual amount of tax deducted by him from such dealer.

(3) Any such employer making such deduction under sub-section (1) shall in respect of every quarter in which such deduction is made, send to the prescribed authority the receipt from Government treasury showing the payment of such amount deducted alongwith a statement in the prescribed form containing details of the Works Contract under execution and tax deducted thereon, within the prescribed time, and shall furnish a certificate in the prescribed form to the dealer specifying the amount so deducted and such other particulars as may be prescribed.

(4) Any such employer who remits the tax into the Government Treasury under sub-section (2) shall be deemed to have made payment of tax under the authority of the said dealer.

(5) If any such employer fails to remit into the Government Treasury the amount due and deductible as required by sub –section (2) within the specified time, the Assessing Authority, on being satisfied that the said employer has failed to discharge the liability under sub-section (2), shall levy and recover from the employer interest at the rate of 15% per annum or at such rate as the Government may notify from time to time, on the amount due and deductible, by an order in writing directing such employer to pay the interest in addition to such amount.

(6) (a) No such deduction shall be made under sub-section (1) in respect of such dealers, as may be notified by the Commissioner from time to time;

(b) subject to the conditions and the circumstances as may be prescribed, the Commissioner may certify, on an application made by any registered dealer, that no deduction or deduction at such lower rate as he may decide, shall be made in respect of such registered dealer.

(7) If any Works Contract for execution for the authorities specified in sub-section (1), involves only labour or services but does not involve transfer of property in goods and it is certified to be so by the Appropriate Assessing Authority or by the Assessing Authority of the area on an application made by any dealer, the provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply and every such application shall be disposed off by the Assessing Authority within one month from the date of receipt, either by issue of certificate as aforesaid or by endorsement, intimating ineligibility to such a certificate to the dealer, as the case may be.

(8) Payment by way of deduction in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to any other mode of recovery of tax due under this Act from the dealer executing the Works Contract.