The Orissa Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


FORM VAT-509 - B


[Refer sub rule (6) of rule 117-A]

Before the Sales Tax Tribunal, Orissa

Representation / Application No.________________ of ______________

    ............... Applicant


The above named Applicant / Respondent

(Full address along with TIN / SRIN, if any)

The above application / representation seeking modification of the Advance Ruling issued by the Tribunal in case No.____________ of ____________ stands posted for hearing on ___________ at _____________ A.M./P.M. at the Office of the Tribunal at ______________.

Please take notice that if you do not appear on the above date or any other date to which the hearing may be adjourned either in person or by authorized agent with the relevant records, documents, etc. on which you rely in suppot of your contention, the application will be disposed of exparte, on merits.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Tribunal.

Dated ______________ By order,

Seal Registrar