The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Act, 2005.

51. Interest.-

(1) A registered dealer entitled to refund in pursuance of any order under the Act (including assessment under section 37, section 38, section 39 or section 40) or in pursuance of any order by any Court shall be entitled to receive in addition to the refund, simple interest at the rate of 24% per annum for the period commencing within sixty days of the application claiming refund in pursuance to such order till the date on which the refund is made.

(2) The interest shall be calculated on the amount of refund due after deducting there from any tax, interest, penalty or other dues under the Act.

(3) If as a result of any order passed under the Act, the amount of refund is enhanced or reduced, the interest shall be enhanced or reduced proportionately.

(4) When a dealer is in default or is deemed to be in default in making the payment under section 37, section 38, section 39 or section 40, he shall be liable to pay simple interest on such amount at the rate of two percent per month from the date of such default for so long as he continues to make default in the payment of said tax.

(5) Where as a result of any final order the amount of tax (including any penalty) due or in default is wholly reduced, the amount of interest, if any, paid shall be refunded, or if such amount is modified, the interest due shall be calculated accordingly.

(6) Where any amount of tax payable is enhanced by any such order, interest shall be payable also on the amount by which the tax is enhanced after the expiry of period of three months from the date of the order.

(7) Where the realization of any amount remains stayed by the order of any court or any authority and such order is subsequently vacated, interest shall be payable also for any period during which such order remained in operation.

(8) The Interest payable under this section shall be deemed to be tax due under the Act.