The Jammu and Kashmir Value Added Tax Act, 2005.

2. Definitions - In this Act unless the context otherwise requires, -

(XXIX) "sale price" means the amount of valuable consideration received or receivable by a dealer for sale of any goods and shall include any sum charged for anything done by the dealer in respect of goods at the time or before the delivery thereof, excise duty, special excise duty or any other duty or tax but shall not include -

    (i) any sum allowed by the seller of goods to the purchaser as cash discount, commission or trade discount according to normal trade practice, at the time of sale of goods ;

    (ii) the cost of outward freight or delivery in cases where such cost is separately charged ; and

    (iii) the amount of tax under the Act, if separately charged by the dealer,

Explanation: - For the purpose of this clause "sale price" includes,-

    (a) in relation to the delivery of goods on hire purchase or any other system of payment by instalments, the total amount of valuable consideration including deposit or other initial payment in order to complete the purchase or the acquisition of property in goods. It includes hire charges, interest and other charges incidental to such transaction, but does not include any sum payable as penalty or as compensation or damages for breach of agreement;

    (b) in relation to transfer of right to use any goods for any purpose (whether or not for a specified period) the valuable consideration or hire charges received or receivable for such transfer of right to use goods but does not include any sum payable as a penalty or as compensation or damages for breach of agreement; and

    (c) the price of packing material in which goods sold are packed.