The Orissa Entry Tax - Notifications

Body NOTIFICATION S.R.O. No.107/2010 No. 14322 - CTN-5/2009-F. Dated 31st March, 2010

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6 of the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999 (Orissa Act 11 of 1999), the State Government having been satisfied that it is necessary so to do in the public interest, do hereby exempt the scheduled goods brought into the local area from levy of tax under the said Act which will be procured by the Defence Establishments in the State for the purpose of sale to Military Personnel and Ex-Service Personnel in the CSD Canteens with effect from the 1st day of April, 2010.

Provided that, the Head of Defence Establishment in charge of the CSD Canteen shall furnish necessary certificate in the pro forma hereto annexed to the effect that the materials procured are only meant for sale in CSD Canteens to Military Personnel and Ex-Service Personnel.

By order of the Governor


Under-Secretary to Government


Certificate to be furnished by the Head of the Defence Unit/Establishment in respect of scheduled goods/brought for use by the C.S.D. Canteen

(To be furnished in duplicate, one copy to be retained at the first checkgate)

Certified that the scheduled goods carried by the Defence vehicle/civil truck, as specified in the consignment note/tax invoices as mentioned below, have been purchased/procured for the exclusive purpose of sale to Military Personnel and Ex-Service Personnel in the CSD Canteen.

1. Defence Department Vehicle/Civil Truck No.__________

2. Consignment note/invoice No. with date______________

3. Name of the Unit/Establishment ____________________

4. Description of goods _____________________________

5. Quantity of goods _______________________________

6. Value of goods _________________________________

7. Name of the person in charge of goods/vehicle __________________

  Signature of the Certifying Officer
Official Seal  
  Rank ______________________
  Designation ________________