The Assam Value Added Tax Rules, 2005.

Body 8A

(1) For the purposes of explanations 2(i) under clause (b) of sub-section(1) of section 10 of the Act, the licensee of the bonded warehouse who purchases potable liquor mentioned in the Fourth Schedule, except country spirit, from another bonded warehouse within the State, the former shall furnish a declaration in Form 1A to the bonded warehouse within the State from whom he purchases potable liquor.

(2) A single form may cover all transactions of purchase made during a calendar month between two bonded warehouses. A copy of the form shall be preserved in the counterfoil by the purchasing bonded warehouse for his record and shall be produced before the Prescribed Authority on demand. Such forms shall be issued serially and chronologically.

(3) The selling bonded warehouse shall furnish such forms along with the tax return to the Prescribed Authority to claim deductions as per provisions of the Act.