The Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Forms



[See rule 6(i) of the Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Rules 1957]

Statement of utilization of Declaration / Certificate Forms under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956

Name of Issuing Dealer : Purchase(s) covered for QE …………………..
Address : Form used: C/F/E-1/E-II/H*
TIN :  

Sl. No. Of Declaration Form with series No. Date of issue Dealer to whom the Form was issued Invoice No. & date Value


Sl. No. Of the Way Bill used *** Name of the goods purchased ****
Name, address and State of the selling dealer CST R.C. No. (11 digit) **
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Certified to be true and correct.

  Signature …………………….

* Strike out whichever is not applicable (maintain separate pages for each form)

** If, TIN assigned under the VAT Act and CST Act are different furnish both TIN and CST R.C No. in the order of : 1- TIN and 2-CST R.C No..

*** May be furnished wherever waybill is used.

* Where more than one type of goods are purchased, 'Mixed Goods' may be stated.