
Body 3. Taxable services provided from outside India and received in India.-

Subject to section 66A of the Act, the taxable services provided from outside India and received in India shall, in relation to taxable services-

(i) specified in sub-clauses (d), (p), (q), (v), (zzq), (zzza), (zzzb), (zzzc), (zzzh), (zzzr), (zzzy), (zzzz) and (zzzza) of clause (105) of section 65 of the Act, be such services as are provided or to be provided in relation to an immovable property situated in India;

(ii) specified in sub-clauses (a), (f), (h),(i), (j), (l), (m), (n), (o), (s), (t), (u), (w), (x), (y), (z), (zb), (zc), (zi), (zj), (zn), (zo), (zq), (zr), (zt), (zu), (zv), (zw), (zza), (zzc), (zzd), (zzf), (zzg), (zzh), (zzi), (zzl), (zzm), (zzn), (zzo), (zzp), (zzs), (zzt), (zzv), (zzw), (zzx), (zzy), (zzzd), (zzze), (zzzf), and (zzzp) of clause (105) of section 65 of the Act, be such services as are performed in India:

Provided that where such taxable service is partly performed in India, it shall be treated as performed in India and the value of such taxable service shall be determined under section 67 of the Act and the rules made thereunder;

(iii) specified in clause (105) of section 65 of the Act, but excluding-

(a) sub-clauses (zzzo) and (zzzv);

(b) those specified in clause (i) of this rule except when the provision of taxable services specified in clauses (d), (zzzc), and (zzzr) does not relate to immovable property; and

(c) those specified in clause (ii) of this rule, be such services as are received by a recipient located in India for use in relation to business or commerce.