
Body NOTIFICATION No.F12(15)FD/Tax/2008-78 S.O.430.- Dated 25th February, 2008

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 20 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Act No. 4 of 2003), the State Government being of the opinion that it is expedient in the public interest so to do, hereby defers the liability of payment of tax of the unit declared sick, which after its revival, commences commercial production on or before March 31, 2009, to the extent, for a period and subject to the conditions, as under:-

(1) that such unit shall have Eligibility Certificate issued by the competent authority in accordance with notification issued by the State Government under the Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994.

(2) that before availing full benefit under the relevant notification, such units had been declared sick by the Industries Department of the State Government.

(3) that the sick unit has revived and having re-commenced commercial production, make sales of goods manufactured by it on or before 31.03.2009.

(4) that the deferment shall be limited to un-availed amount of benefit, as per the eligibility certificate issued to the unit or up to 31.03.2011, whichever is earlier.

(5) that the deferred amount of tax shall be deposited in ten equal half yearly installments from the end of availment of un-availed amount of tax benefit or 31.03.2011 whichever is earlier.

(6) that in case of default in deposit of any of the installments under clause (6), the whole of the deferred tax would be payable forthwith and shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue.

(7) that in case such registered dealers have charged or collected tax in violation of the terms and conditions of the entitlement notification, the same shall be deposited to the State Government; and

(8) that where tax has already been deposited to the State Government, it shall not be refunded.

By Order of the Governor,

(Rajat Kumar Mishra)

Secretary to Government