The Jharkhand Value Added Tax Rules, 2006
Determination of Taxable Turnover for the purpose of the Act

Body 22A

Nortwithstanding anything contained in the Rules, a dealer, dealing in goods specified in serial number 104 of Part-B of schedule II, for determination of taxable turnover of such goods on which tax is payble, may deduct under Section 9(4)(d) from turnover of sales of such goods fifty percent of the total valuable consideration of such goods.

Provided that no input tax credit shall be admissible on such sales under the Rules.

Provided further that no such deduction shall be allowed unless the dealer selling the goods on demand by the prescribed authority under the Act furnishes the relevant tax invoice or cash memo or bill and other relevant documents.

Explanation :-

Valuable consideration for the purpose of this rule shall mean Sale price which shall include anything done or value added after the purchase of such vehicle.