
Body Notifcation No. F16(341)Tax/Vat/CCT/06-1637 Dated 18th October, 2007 

In exercise of the Powers conferred by sub-rule (6) of rule 36 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Rules, 2006, I.P.S. Mehra, Commissioner Commercial Taxes Rajasthan, hereby specify the following performa for Audit report to be furnished by a dealer under the provisions of sub section (1) of Section 73 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 ( Rajasthan Act No. 4 of 2003), namely:-


[See Rule 36(6) of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Rules, 2006]

Audit Report under section 73 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003.

[Where the Accounts of the Business have been audited under any other law.]

(To be furnished within nine months from the end of the relevant financial year)

I/We have to report that statutory audit of ...................................................[Name and address of the dealer, Registration Certificate No. (TIN) ..................... ] was conducted by me /us/ M/s ............................................. in pursuance of the provisions of the ....................................................(mension the name of the Act under which audit has been done)and I/We annex hereto a copy of my / our/ their audit report dated ........... along with a copy each of the:

a. audited Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on ...............

b. audited Balance Sheet as at.............

c. the documents declared by the relevant Act to be a part of, or annexed to, the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. In case of multi-State companies. such statement related to its Head office / branch(es) in the State of Rajasthan may suffice.

I/We have obtained all information and explanations which were necessary for the purpose of the audit under the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 and examined the relevant records and information in relation to the particulars furnished by the dealer in respect of the statement of particulars in Form-A annexed.

In my/our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law including Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 and rules framed thereunder have been kept at the principal place of business and branches, if any, in the State of Rajasthan, so far as appears from our examination of the books.

I/We have audited the input tax, output tax, input tax credit, reverse tax, refunds etc., with reference to the invoices, vouchers and books maintained by the dealer. I /We have conducted my/our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards generally accepted in India. The audit includes examining, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in Form -A. I/We believe that my /our audit provides a reasonable basis for my/our opinion.

In my/ our opinion and to the best of my /our information and according to explanations given to me/us, the particulars given in Form -A and the annexure thereto are true and correct, subject to my/our comments / observations annexed hereto .

Place: Signature
  Seal with Membership Number

Note :-

1. Delete whichever is not applicable

2. This report shall be signed by an Accountant as defined under sub-section (1) of section 73 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003.



[See Rule 36(6) of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Rules, 2006]

Audit Report under section 73 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003.

[Where the Accounts of the Business have not been audited under any other law.]

(To be furnished within nine months from the end of the relevant financial year)

I/We have examined the Balance Sheet as at 31st March ............... , and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, attached herewith, of M/s ......................... ................................................................................ [Name and address of the dealer with Registration Certificate Number (TIN) .................. ]

I/We report that,-

(i) the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account are in agreement with the books of accounts maintained at the principal place of business and branches, if any, in the State of Rajasthan.

(ii) in my / our opinion, proper books of accounts as prescribed by the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 and rules framed thereunder have been kept by the dealer so far as appears from my /our examination of the books.

(iii) I/We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of the audit under the Rajasthan VAT Act, 2003.

(iv) In my/our opinion and to the best of my/our information and according to the explanations given to me/us, the said accounts, read with notes thereon, if any, give a true and fair view;

(a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of the affairs of the Dealer as at 31st March, and

(b) in the case of the Profit and Loss Account of the profit/loss of the dealer for the year ended on that date.In case of multi-State companies, such statement related to its branches in the State of Rajasthan may suffice.

I/We have audited the claim of input tax, output tax, input tax credit, rebates, reverse tax, and refunds etc. with reference to the invoices, vouchers and books maintained by the dealer. I /We have conducted my/our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards generally accepted in India. The audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in Form A. I/We believe that my /our audit provides a reasonable basis for my/ our opinion.

In my/ our opinion and to the best of my /our information and according to explanations given to me/us, the particulars given in Form A and the annexure thereto are true and correct, subject to my/our comments / observations annexed hereto.

Place: Signature
  Seal with Membership Number

Note :-

1. Delete whichever is not applicable

2. This report shall be signed by an Accountant as defined under sub-section (1) of section 73 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003.

Form - A




1 Name of the dealer  
2 Address with phone, Fax, E-mail etc ( of the principal place of business)  
3 Name and Address of



Manufacturing units (if any) within the State of Rajasthan.

4 Name and Address of



Manufacturing units (if any) outside the State of Rajasthan.

5 a) Taxpayer Identification No. (TIN)

b) Central Sales Tax Registration No. (CST No.)

6 Other identification Nos. (such as)

a) Income Tax PAN No.

b) Central Excise Registration No.

c) Service Tax Registeration No.

d) SSI No.

e) Importer Exporter Code No.

f) .......................

7 Status of the dealer [such as proprietary /partner ship /company/others- specify.]  
8 Change in the constitution (if any).  
9 If not proprietary, indicate name and address of partners, Directors and their share of interest. (as on the date last date of the financial year).  
10 Period under Audit (Financial year).  
11 Nature of business: trader/ manufacturer /importer/ exporter/ work contractor/ lessor / other (please specify)  
12 Details of change in the nature of business (if any)  
13 a) List of books of accounts maintained (in case books of accounts maintained in a computer system, mention the books of accounts generated by such system).  
  b) List of books of account examined.  
  c) Method of accounting employed  
  d) Whether there has been any change in the method of accounting employed followed in the immediately preceding year, if so details of deviation.  
  e) Method of valuation of stock.  
  f) Change in method of valusation of stocks (if any)  
14 Particulars of (operating) Bank Accounts  
  Name of Bank  
  Account No.  
15 Account of statutory forms obtained from the Department
Form VAT 15 VAT 47 VAT 49 C F H    
Opening Balance                

16 Details of surveys conducted (other than R.C. enquiry), if any:

(a) Authority who conducted survey;

(b) Date of survey; and

(c) Results of survey.

17 Details of the Goods dealt with (in case of more than one goods, mention details of goods having 10% or more value of Gross Turnover)

Name of the goods Schedule No./ Entry No Rate of tax HSN Code

(when applicable)

1) Goods manufactured and sold        
2) Goods purchased and sold        
3) Goods excavated and sold        

18 Other information (if any) (specify)  



      (In Rs.)
A. Stock Opening Closing
  Other than finished goods    
B Purchase/Receipts of goods for use in manufacturing and return of Purchase/Receipt of such Goods. Purchase/ Receipts Purchase/ Receipts returned
(1) Purchase intra-state
  (a) From/To VAT registered dealers other than (b) below    
  (b) From/To other (including unregistered)    
  (c) Total [(a)+(b)]    
  (d) Net Purchase  
  (2)(a) Purchase inter-State    
  (b)Net Purchase  
  (3)(a) Inter-State Stock transfers /receipts    
  (b) Net Stock transfer / receipts  
  (4)(a) Import - from outside the Country    
  (b) Net import  
  (5)(a) Others    
  (b) Net others  
(6)Total Net purchases / receipts

[1(d) + 2(b) + 3(b) + 4(b) + 5(b)]

C Direct Expenses (specify each expenses)
D Total

{Opening stock as per A(5)+ B(7) + C}

E Cost of Goods manufactured during the year [D - closing stock as per A(5)]  


(In Rs.)
    Opening Closing
F. Stock of Finished goods.(Manufactured)    
G. Cost of goods manufactured (same figures as per E)  
H. Cost of goods meant for sale (opening stock of finished goods as per F + G)  
I. Sales / stock transfer of finished goods and sale / stock transfer return. Sales / stock transfer Sales / stock transfer return
(1) Sales Intra-State    
  (i) Sales against declaration forms / certificates    
  (ii) Sales not covered in (i)    
  (iii) Total [ (i) + (ii) ]    
  (iv) Net sales  
(2) Intra-State stock transfer    
  (i) stock transfer    
  (ii) Net stock transfer  
(3) Sales inter-State    
  (i) Sales against Form "C"    
  (ii) Sales against Form "D" (for 2006-07 only)    
  (iii) Sales in transit    
  (iv) Others (specify)    
  (v) Total [(i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)]    
  (vi) Net inter-State sales  
  (4)(i) Inter-State stock transfer    
  (ii) Net stock transfer.  
(5)(i) Exports outside the country    
  (ii) Net export  
(6)(i) Deemed export sale.    
  (ii) Net deemed export sale.  
(7)(i) Others (specify)    
  (ii) Net others  
(8) Total net sales / dispatches.

[1(iv) + 2(ii)+ 3(vi) + 4(ii)+ +5(ii)+6(ii)+7(ii)]

J Gross Profit  



(In Rs.)
K. Stock Opening Closing
L. Purchase/Receipt of Goods and return of purchase/Receipt of Goods. Purchase/Receipt Purchase/Receipt


(1) Purchase intra-State
  (i) From/To VAT registered dealers other than (b) below    
  (ii) From/To other (including unregistered dealers).    
  (iii) Total [(i)+(ii)]    
  (iv) Net Purchase  
(2)(i) Purchase inter-State    
  (ii) Net Purchase  
(3)(i) Inter-State Stock transfer/ receipts    
  (ii) Net stock transfer/ receipts  
(4)(i) Import- from outside the country    
  (ii) Net import  
(5)(i) Others    
  (ii) Net Others  
  (6) Total Net purchases/ receipts


M Direct Expenses (specify each expenses)  
N Total [Opening stock as per K + L(6)+M]  
O Sales/ stock transfer of finished goods and goods returned. Sales/stock transfer Sales/stock transfer returned 
  (1) Sales intra-State  
  (i) Sales against declaration / certificate    
  (ii) Sales not covered in (i)    
  (iii) Total [(i)+(ii)]    
  (iv) Net sales  
(2) Intra-State stock transfer
  (i) Stock transfer    
  (ii)Net stock transfer  
  (3) Sales inter-State.  
  (i)Sales against Form "C"    
  (ii) Sales against Form "D" (for 2006-07 only)    
  (iii) Sales in transit    
  (iv) Others (specify)    
  (v) Total [(i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)]    
  (vi) Net sales  
  (4)(i) Inter-State stock transfer    
  (ii) Net stock transfer  
  (5)(i) Export to outside the country.    
  (ii) Net export  
  (6)(i) Deemed Export sale    
  (ii) Net deemed export sale  
  (7)(i) Others (Specify)    
  (ii) Net others  
  (8) Net sales/dispatches [1(iv)+2(ii)+3(vi)+4(ii)+5(ii)+6(ii)+7(ii)]  
P Gross profit [O(8) + K (closing stock) - N]  



1. Statements of Capital goods Converted into stock in trade and sale of Miscelleneous goods(if any)

SL No Description of Capital goods Date of acquisition/purchase Purchase /acquisition value Amount at which the capital assets is converted into stock Sale value (if sold) Rate of tax Tax Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2. Statement of Consignment sales (Consignor wise details in case of registered dealers )

A. (by the consignee where the goods are received from the consignor within the state)

Sl.No Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 Opening Stock  
2 Goods received  
3 Sales  
4 Output Tax  
5 Tax deposited as per form VAT 36A received  
6 Tax to be deposited by Consignor  
7 Goods returned  
8 Closing stock  

B. (by the consignee where the goods are received from the consignor outside the state)

Sl.No Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 Opening Stock  
2 Goods received  
3 Sales  
4 Output Tax  
5 Tax deposited  
6 Goods returned  
7 Closing stock  

3. Statement of Transfer of Right to Use Goods

Sl.No. Description of goods Lease rentals received Rate of tax Output Tax
1 2 3 4 5

4. Statement of Details of Works Contract (Not covered in EC)

(A) Contract receipts

(In the case of contractor)

Sl. No






No. of Contracts



Total Amount of Contract




Total amount of contract Value received/paid/billed up to 31st March of previous year



Amount Received/billed during the year


Deduction as per the VAT Act 


Taxable T.O 


Tax Rate 


Output Tax  


Tax Deposited
By TDS  Deposited along with returns or otherwise. Total 
  Pending contracts

As on 1st


2 New Contract under taken during the year                      
3 Total (1+2)                      


Pending as on 31stMarch.

No. of Contracts
Amount of Contract (Rs.)

(B) Contract awarded

(In the case of an awarder including a contractor who awards sub contract)

Sl. No



Particulars No. of contracts awarded Total Amount of contract value (Rs) Total amount of contract Value paid up to 31st March of previous vear Payments during the year
Total (Rs) With TDS Without TDS Tax Deducted at source Tax Remittance Details
Amount Remittance Details
  Pending contracts

As on 1st


2 New Contract under taken during the year                  
3 Total (1+2)                  
4 Contracts

Pending as on 31stMarch.


NOTE : Annex separate statement containing the details of awarder / contractor, nature of work, work order and date, contract amount, contract receipts/payments and tax paid details of individual contracts.

(C) Works contract under E.C.


Name of



order No.

and Date.

Value of




EC No.











of EC



of EC


EC Fee deposit details
By awarder By contractor Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5. Statement of input tax credit claimed during the year:-

(A) In respect of the purchases of goods [including Capital Goods up to rupees one lac per item in case of existing units]


Total Purchase


Rate of Tax

Tax paid in Rajasthan

Amount of ITC claimed
Branch Transfer Others Total

(B) In respect of purchases of capital goods [ excluding up to rupees one lac per item in case of existing units]


Name of capital asset Date of purchase Seller' name, address and TIN VAT invoice amount ITC
Sale price Tax Total claimed during the year carried forward. Total

6. Benefits availed under Incentive / Deferment Schemes:-

1 Name of the Scheme.  
2 Eligibility certificate number and date.    
3 Validity of the eligibility certificate From to
4 Sanctioned amount Rs.
5 Benefit availed up to the end of previous year Rs.
6 Balance amount available for current year. Rs.
7 Benefits availed during the year.  
8 Un-availed amount at the end of the year.  
9 Details of installment of deferment of tax
Total Amount Deferred. Deposited up to the previous year Deposited during the year Amount paid on NPV basis Balance at the end of the year


7. Benefits availed under the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme - 2003.

1 Entitlement certificate number and date.    
2 Validity of the entitlement certificate From to
3 Extent of subsidy available
Interest Wages Upfront Others


4 Subsidy claimed during the year  
5 Subsidy availed up to the year  

8. Miscellaneous Information:

a. Specify reasons for differences in taxable sales/purchases, tax liability and input tax credit as per books and as disclosed in return(s), if any.

b. Whether there is delay in payment of tax ? If yes, please give particulars:

S.No. Due Date Date of Payment Amount Delay Interest Payable

c. Whether there is delay in filing of returns, if yes, give particulars:

S.No. Period of Return Due Date Date of Filing Delay Reasons, if any

d. Sales affected as commission agent, in the following format:

Name of Principal & Address TIN No. (if any) Total Sales Output tax, if any VAT/CST

e. Whether all declarations for sales to exporters (Form H or Form VAT-15 or certificate) are available on record. If not, give details.

S.No. Invoice No. Date Name of Party Amount (Rs.)

f. Whether Inter-State sales claimed as liable to tax as per Section 8(1) or 8(5) of CST Act are supported with declarations in Form `C' If not give details:

S.No. Invoice No. Date Name of Party Amount (Rs.)

g. Whether inter-State sales claimed as exempt under section 6(2) of Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 are supported with declarations, if not give details:

(A) Sales         Wanting
S.No. Invoice No. Date Name of Party Amount Declaration 'C'/'D'
(B) Purchases         Wanting
S.No. Invoice No. Date Name of Party Amount Declaration 'E1'/'E2'

h. Whether all Interstate Branch transfers/consignment sales are supported with declaration in Form `F' If not, give details:

S.No. Invoice No. Date Name of Party Amount (Rs.)

i. Return wise sales summary shall be submitted in Appendix-I



1. Summary Results of Tax

Sl.No Particulars Amount
1 Tax Credits  
1.1 Input tax paid on purchases of goods from within State  
1.2 Input tax paid on capital goods (Eligible amount only)  
1.3 Purchase tax paid  
1.4 Tax amount on sales return (Eligible amount only)  
1.5 Tax amount eligible for tax credit on opening stock (During the transition year 2006-2007 only)  
1.6 Others if any (Specify)  
1.7 Total (1.1 to 1.6)  
1.8 Excess input tax (Credit carried forward from previous year (if any)  
1.9 Total amount for tax credits (1.7+1.8)  
2 Out put tax  
2.1 Out put Tax/collected as per sales invoice  
2.2 Reverse Tax  
2.3 Purchase tax due  
2.4 Tax amount on purchase returns  
2.5 Others, if any, (Specify)  
2.6 Total tax (2.1 to 2.5)  
3 Total tax payable/ creditable

[Total of tax -input tax credit (2.6-1.9)]

4 Tax Due on inter-State sales  
4.1 CST deposited  
4.2 CST to be adjusted (4 - 4.1)  
5 Tax payable/balance ITC carried forward [ (2.6+4.2) - (1.9) ]  

2. Statement of taxes etc paid/payable during the year **

Sl. No Particulars Amount payable Amount Paid Balance Payable
1 VAT Act      
2 CST Act      
3 Others (Specify)      
4 Total      
Sub Details Under RVAT Act      
  a) Registration Fee      
  c) Purchase Tax      
  d) Unauthorized/ Illegal collection of tax      
  e) Security Deposit      
  f) Penalty      
  g) Composition amount      
  h) Interest      
  i) Others (Specify)      
  j) Total      

** Attach separate statement of month wise payments

3. Details of Refunds

Sl. No Particulars Amount Due Refund received Balance outstanding
1 Exports.      
2 Inter-State sales      
3 Inter-State Stock Transfer      
4 Unadjusted & Excess tax      
5 Credit brought forward.      


I ................................(name of the authorized signature) in my capacity as ................................(designation) of ..............................................................................................................................(name & Address of the dealer ) do hereby declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge, information and belief and all information furnished here are in accordance with our books of accounts and the returns submitted as per Appendix I

Place   Name
Date   Signature & Designation

Note:- The above statement shall be signed by the dealer or the business manager

Verified the aforesaid information is true and correct subject to my/our comments/observations annexed hereto.

Date: Signature
  Chartered Accountant

Seal with Membership No.


1. Quantitative particulars of principle items shall be given separately in a suitable format

2. All the columns/Rows should be filled as stipulated. If any statement /columns/Rows is not applicable put "NA " (Bold Letters) against the respective statement/columns/Rows


Appendix- I

Qr. G.T.O. SALES WITHIN THE STATE Branch transfer / Stock

transfer / Consignment

sales against Form ''

Exempted Against






Others Exempted Sales U/s

6(2) of





Others Direct


Deemed Export
