Body 8. Procedure for registration.

(1) The Commissioner shall appoint as many number of officers, as may be required from time to time, not below the rank of Assistant Commercial Tax Officer to discharge the function of registering authority.

(2) An application for registration shall be made to the registering authority, in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed and shall be accompanied by a fee of -

    (i) ten thousand rupees in respect of medium and large-scale industries;

    (ii) five thousand rupees in respect of dealers in Indian Made Foreign Liquor; and

    (iii) one hundred rupees in respect of other cases.

Provided that any dealer may opt to pay the registration fee for three years in advance by remitting a sum equal to three times of the fees specified under sub-section (2).

(3) If the registering authority is satisfied that the application is in order, it shall register the applicant and issue to him a certificate in the prescribed form specifying all his places of business.

(4) A certificate issued under sub-section (3) shall be valid for one year / three years as the case may be and shall be renewed on the expiry of the validity period on payment of the required fee as specified in sub-section (2) or the proviso to sub-section (2) as the case may be until the registration is cancelled.

(5) A registered dealer may apply to the registering authority for a copy or copies of the registration certificate for each additional place of business, such as branch, godown, etc. along with a fee of one hundred rupees for each copy, and if the registering authority is satisfied that the application is in order, it shall issue to the registered dealer a copy or copies of the registration certificate.

(6) If the registering authority is satisfied that a registration certificate or a copy thereof is lost or accidentally destroyed, it shall, on an application made by the registered dealer accompanied by a fee of one hundred rupees, issue to him a duplicate of the registration certificate.

(7) No application for registration or for a copy or duplicate of the certificate and no renewal under this section shall be refused, unless the dealer concerned has been given an opportunity of being heard.

(8) A registered dealer shall exhibit at each place of his business the registration certificate, or a duplicate or a copy thereof.

(9) All registered dealers shall quote the registration number in the return, challan, or other document used for the purposes of this Act.