Body 2. Definitions.

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(zn) "turnover" means the aggregate amount for which goods are bought or sold or delivered or supplied or otherwise disposed of in any of the ways referred to in clause (ze), by a dealer either directly or through another, on his own account or on account of others, whether for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable consideration, provided that the proceeds of the sale by a person of agricultural or horticultural produce, other than tea grown within the Union Territory by himself on any land in which he has an interest whether as owner, usufructuary mortgagee, tenant or otherwise shall be excluded from his turnover.

Explanation-I.. The expression .agricultural or horticultural produce. shall not include such produce as has been subjected to any physical, chemical or other process for being made fit for consumption, save mere cleaning, grading, sorting or drying.

Explanation-II.- Subject to such conditions and restrictions, if any, as may be prescribed in this behalf.

    (a) the amount for which goods are sold shall include any sums charged for anything done by the dealer in respect of the goods sold at the time of, or before the delivery thereof;

    (b) any cash or other discount on the price allowed, in respect of any sale and any amount refunded in respect of articles returned by customers shall not be included in the turnover; and

Explanation-III. - Turnover.. in relation to the transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) involved in execution of works contract includes such amount as is arrived at by deducting from the amount of valuable consideration paid or payable to a person for execution of such works contract, the amount representing labour and other charges incurred and profit accrued not in connection with transfer of property in goods for such execution;