The Orissa Entry Tax - Notifications

No.49786-CTA-30/99-F, dated10th December, 1999

S.R.O.No.823/99 – Whereas the Government of Orissa as well as Government of India have entrusted some public sector undertakings and other organisations to render social services of rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the cyclone affected districts of Orissa;

And whereas the said organisations are engaged in the social services of rehabiliation and reconstruction work and some of these organisations have represented to the State Government to exempt from levy of tax on entry on the materials to be used in such social services of rehabitation and reconstruction work in order to reduce the cost and thereby increase the coverage of beneficiaries;

And whereas it is considered necessary to exempt such materials from levy of tax on their entry in to the local area for use in the rehabilitation or reconstruction work;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6 of the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999 (Orisa Act 11 of 1999), the State Government having been satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the interest of social service, do hereby exempt the said public sector undertakings / organisations, who are engaged in such rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the cyclone affected ardeas from levy of tax on materials brought into the local areas under the said Act subject to the condition that the concerned public sector undertakings / organisation is duly authorised by the Special Relief Commissioner, Orissa or the Collector of the district to undertake such rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the cyclone affected areas of the State.

This notification shall remain in force till the 31st day of March, 2001.