The Orissa Entry Tax - Forms



[See sub-rule (2) of rule 15 A]


01. Office address :  



Date Month Year




02. TIN/SRIN/Identification No.


03. Name & address of the dealer: -------------------------------------



There is no record of the receipt in this office of the return for the tax period from ___________ to ___________ due by dt_____________.

You are, therefore, provisionally assessed the tax payable by you for this period at Rs. ____________ (Rupees ___________________), which is payable by you to this office.

The tax assessed shall be paid, within thirty days from the date of receipt of this order along with the notice of demand, and proof of payment thereof be produced within seven days from the date of payment.

If you file the overdue return for the above mentioned tax period and pay the tax declared in the return along with the interest due on the unpaid amount before the due date for payment of the tax assessed provisionally and, produce proof of payment thereof, within seven days of such payment, the provisional assessment made shall stand revoked and will be withdrawn.

If you have filed the return along with tax declared thereon, please intimate this office, the date of payment and payment details without any delay.

Failure to make payment of the tax assessed provisionally will result in collection measures being taken as per the provisions of Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999.

Office seal Joint Commissioner / Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax/ Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax / Sales Tax Officer,
Place _________________ _____________ Circle/
Date _____________________ _____________Range/LTU