The Orissa Entry Tax - Forms



[See rule 10(3) (b)]


01. Office address :  



Date Month Year




02. TIN/SRIN/Identification No.


03. Name & address of the dealer:  

04. The office records indicate that the return for the tax period from___________to _______, due to be filed within dt ___________ has not been received.
05. If you have filed the return, you should intimate this office, the date on which such return has been filed, without delay, to ensure that you are not levied with interest and penalty and proceedings are not initiated for prosecution for failure to file the return.
06. In all cases, where a return is not filed within the due date, an interest at the rate of 2 percent per month on the amount of unpaid tax will be paid and, in addition, penalty at the rate of 2 percent per month will be charged on such unpaid amount for the period until this amount is paid. You should contact this office and furnish the over due return, if not already furnished without delay by ______________ .
07. You are reminded that as per the provisions of Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999, failure to file return can result in conviction with imprisonment extending for a period of six months and imposition of fine up to Rs.5,000/-

Office seal Deputy/ Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax /Sales Tax Officer,
Place _________________ _____________ Circle/
Date _____________________ _____________Assessment Unit