The Orissa Entry Tax - Forms


[See Rule 28(3)]


Dealer/Person ..........................

Address .........................

Registration Number (If any) ..............

1. Whereas you have opted to compound the offence under Section 31 of the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999 in pursuance to the notice dated .......... You are hereby required to pay a sum of Rs............ towards composition of offence under the said Act in addition to the tax of Rs........... payable by you under the Act for the year ........ over and above the tax already paid by you or assessed to be payable by you under the Act.

2. The above sum be paid by you in Government treasury and proof of payment be produced before the undersigned by the date ..........

3. On failure to pay the above sum by the date indicated above, the prosecution will be initiated under Section 29 of the Act in a competent Court of Law.


Signature of the Commissioner

with Date & Seal.