The Orissa Entry Tax - Forms



[See Rule 21]

Form of Notice under Section 12 (1) of the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999


Name ......................

Address .....................

Whereas it appears that some money is due or may become due from you to ........ (address) .................... a dealer, under the Orissa Entry Tax Act who has failed to comply with a notice served under sub-section (1) of Section 12 or you hold or; may hold subsequent to the issue of this notice some money for or on account of the said dealer.

Now therefore you are hereby required to pay into the Government Treasury within seven days from the date of receipt of this notice if the money is due from you within a fortnight of the money becoming due or being held, so much of the money or whole of it, as the case may be, so as to pay the amount of tax or penalty due from the dealer as specified below. Your payment in compliance with this notice shall be deemed to have been payment under the authority of the dealer and the dealer and the receipt from the Government Treasury shall constitute a valid discharge of your liability to the said dealer to the extent of payment specified in the receipt.

You are hereby informed that if you discharge your liability to the dealer in a manner other than required in this notice you will be personally liable to the State Government to the extent of liability of the said dealer for tax, interest or penalty or all , or both, whichever is less.

1. Tax Rs.....................
2. Interest Rs.....................
3. Penalty Rs.....................
4. Composition Money Rs.....................
5. Total Rs.....................

Place ________________ SIGNATURE
Date ________________ DESIGNATION.