The Orissa Entry Tax - Forms


[See rule 4 (1)(a)]

Application for the grant of a registration certificate under the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999


The Registering Authority



I .................................son of Shri ............................carrying on business whose particulars are given below, hereby apply for registration under Rule 4 of the Orissa Entry Tax Rules, 1999.

1. Name and full postal address of the applicant (if there is a trade name, the trade name shall also be given).  
2. Status of the person signing this application.  
3. The details of registration certificates issued under the Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004  
4. Name of Scheduled goods dealt in  
5. Date of commencement of business of the scheduled goods as in (4) above.  

Date : Name, address and signature of the person signing with status and relationship to the dealer
  (here state whether proprietor, manager, director, partners etc)

(For official use by the Registering Authority)

1. Date of receipt of application :


3. Date of issue of registration certificate :

4. Any other order by the registering authority :

  Signature of the registering authority
  with seal & date


Received an application in Form E2 for registration under section 5 (2) (a) of the Orissa Entry Tax Act, 1999 on .......................

Receiving Officer