The Orissa Entry Tax Act,1999
CHAPTER-III: Return, Assessment, Payment, Recovery and Collection of Tax

9D. Assessment of dealer who being liable to pay tax fails to register.

(1) If the assessing authority, on the basis of information in his possession, is satisfied that any dealer, who has been liable to get himself registered under this Act , has failed to get himself registered, the assessing authority shall proceed in such manner as may be prescribed to assess to the best of his judgment the amount of tax due from the dealer in respect of the period during which he was liable to get himself registered and all subsequent periods and, in making such assessment, shall give the dealer reasonable opportunity of being heard, and the assessing authority may, if he is satisfied that the default is without reasonable cause, direct the dealer to pay, in addition to the amount of tax so assessed, a penalty equal to the amount of tax so assessed.

(2) No assessment under sub-section (1) shall be made after expiry of five years from the end of the tax period or the tax periods to which the assessment relates.