The Orissa Entry Tax Act,1999

3. Levy of Tax.

1. There shall be levied and collected a tax on entry of the scheduled goods into a local area for consumption, use or sale therein at such rate not exceeding twelve percentum of the purchase value of such goods from such date as may be specified by the State Government and different dates and different rates may be specified for different goods and local areas subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. 

PROVIDED that the State Government may direct that in such circumstances and under such conditions and for such period as may be prescribed, a Dealer shall pay in lieu of tax payable under this Act a sum fixed in the prescribed manner, and in such a case the tax shall be deemed to have been compounded.

2. The tax leviable under this Act shall be paid by every dealer in scheduled goods or any other person who brings or causes to be brought into a local area such scheduled goods whether on his own account or on account of his principal or customer or takes delivery or is entitled to take delivery of such goods on such entry :

PROVIDED further that no tax shall be levied under this section on the entry of scheduled goods into a local area, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the assessing authority that such goods have already been subjected to entry tax or that the entry tax has been paid by any other person or dealer under this Act.

Explanation. - Where the goods are taken delivery of on its entry into a local area or brought into the local area by a person other than a dealer, the dealer who takes delivery of the goods from such person shall be deemed to have brought or caused to have brought the goods into the local area.

3. Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2) but subject to the provisions of this Act, there shall be levied and collected a tax on the entry of any motor vehicle into any local area for use or sale therein which is liable for registration in the State of Orissa under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and rate of tax shall be at such rate or rates as may be specified by the State Government by notification on the purchase value of such motor vehicles.

Explanation- For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that where any Scheduled goods have been subjected to the levy of Octroi under the Orissa Municipal Act, 1950 prior to the comencement of this Act for entry into any local area, those goods shall not be subjected to the levy of entry tax under this Act for their entry into that area on or after such commencement.